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Group of Co-Creators smiling

About Our Movement

It’s time to tell the world the real stories of peace and show what’s possible when peacebuilding happens from the ground up.

Peace is possible when #PeaceStartsHere.


Our Co-Creation Journey

We, a team of 10 peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds, have bridged time-zones and geographical boundaries, coming together to co-create this very special campaign.

From the outset, we were guided by principles of representation and authenticity. We reached out to fellow peacebuilders, local movements, international donors, and activists. Together, we sought common ground amidst our questions and uncertainties.

This campaign is the product of countless hours of conversations, networking, brainstorming, checking-in, and collaborating with colleagues across the globe. Amidst the flux of our lives – some of us relocating, others witnessing our countries struck by crisis – our collective determination and care for one another has infused our journey with a profound sense of purpose.

This is us. A diverse group, not so different from you, navigating life’s complexities and believing that amidst its challenges: A guiding light emerges.

We invite you to be a part of what comes next. Sign Up.

Drawings of the 10 co-creators of Peace Starts Here.

Join the movement

Join us as we raise our voices. Join us in telling the real stories of peace. Join us in moving our communities and the wider world to act.

Add Your Name To The Manifesto

Five simple asks from us peacebuilders to the world.

Amplify Your Voice

All the tools you need to amplify the message.

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We have just begun. Stay up to date with all our 2024 plans.

Peace Starts Here supporters 

More than a campaign, Peace Starts Here is a movement for all local peacebuilders. For everyone who supports grassroots peacebuilding. For everyone who’s serious about lasting peace in their communities.

Peace Direct has facilitated the movement since it began. Peace Direct exists to support local peacebuilders around the world. Local people are the experts in the conflicts that affect their communities, and only they understand what it takes to build peace that lasts. Peace Direct work to make sure these local peacebuilders have the resources they need to make peace a reality. Peace Direct have supported Peace Starts Here since 2018 when local peacebuilders first came up with the idea of a locally-led campaign, facilitating the co-creation journey.

Peace Starts Here is also proudly endorsed by: 

United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY) thrives to create a peacebuilding ecosystem where young people have an equal and meaningful place. Read about how they achieve that here.

The Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) is an award-winning nonprofit and nonpartisan network of 200+ organizations working in 181 countries to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace. AfP is building and advancing the peacebuilding field to center peace in policies, programs, and laws, as well as in social norms, relationships, and narratives.

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a global member-led network composed primarily of civil society organisations (CSOs), as well as other actors who contribute to peace writ large by actively working on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Members of GPPAC support and empower each other and engage external stakeholders to drive locally-led and locally-owned peacebuilding, in part by creating vibrant and collaborative learning and exchange spaces. 

International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) promotes inclusive and sustainable peace globally by fostering a global movement of locally rooted women peacebuilders and bringing the word and spirit of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda to life. Check out the #SheBuildsPeace campaign and WASL network.

Our Truths

  • Peace is longer lasting when local peacebuilding efforts are better supported.

    So let’s trust local communities to support and lead it.
  • Peacebuilders are better placed to identify and prevent conflict when they're included in the decision making process.

    So let’s hear the voices of local peacebuilders.
  • Everyone has a part to play in building peace — from artists, activists to negotiators and teachers.

    So play your part in peacebuilding.
  • Local peacebuilders are as diverse as the communities they represent.

    So let’s broaden our understanding of ‘peacebuilder’.
  • Peacebuilding is much more than the prevention of war; it’s an active process based on the practice of peaceful living.

    So let’s build peace together.

Join the movement

Add your name to the Peacebuilders' Manifesto!