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our manifesto

Join our movement for change.

Peace Starts Here is the global movement for local peacebuilders, co-created by 10 local peacebuilders. We want to change attitudes and behaviours in the peacebuilding sector.

Why are we making these demands?

As local peacebuilders, we are often shut out of opportunities to make real change. Negative stereotypes keep us out of local and international peace efforts. Complex funding requirements and a lack of sensitivity to local context makes it hard to get the financial support we need. We take risks and expose ourselves to burnout and exhaustion, with little recognition of support.

When we are supported by the wider international community we strengthen our local efforts, expanding and protecting the civic spaces we operate in.

Français ci-dessous, Español abajo,  العربية أدناه 

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#1 Make Space For Local Peacebuilders To Lead

Create more inclusive ways for local peacebuilders to lead, shape and influence the peace process in their regions.

#2 Fund More Local Peacebuilding Efforts

Remove the barriers to funding for all genuine grassroots peacebuilding initiatives making a difference for local people, and proactively channel resources to local peacebuilders in communities closest to conflict.

#3 Support and strengthen local peacebuilders

Support the expertise and resilience of local peacebuilders so they can participate in sustainable peacebuilding and build trust with policymakers, funders and donors. 

#4 Centre Peacebuilding Around Local People

Invest in more human-centred, collaborative and community-led approaches to global peacebuilding efforts, encouraging local peacebuilders to play an active role in decolonising the role of global actors. 

#5 Learn From Local Peacebuilders

Promote successful local peacebuilding initiatives to aid learning, insight sharing and collaboration in the wider peacebuilding sector. 

Français   Español العربية 

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